Friday, August 21, 2009

Gypsy Goddess

This is my last mixed media piece for the Goddess and Poet workshop. My Gypsy Goddess. I'm really going to miss that class...although I still have a couple of weeks (or maybe just one) left for Petite Dolls and I just started a journal writing workshop...I'm still going to miss sharing and getting feedback on the work. I know that I'll keep doing mixed media paintings...I love working with everything but the kitchen sink. And I love doing art.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Petite Dolls

Taking another class from SuziBlu on-line. This one is Petite Dolls. Three lessons so far...and having so much fun creating these little doll people. It's a completely different kind of face than I've been my first attempts really looked like space aliens...but then I discovered that if I made a slight change to the eyes...which really means doing it my way...I got a face that looked like a doll and not an alien. Here are three of my finished pieces.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Latest Mixed Media Piece

This started out as a graphite pencil drawing on white paper. Then I glued it to a wood substrate and used acrylic paint, ink, graphite and colored pencils, oil pastels, in many layers with at least three layers of clear gesso in between layers to give the surface some tooth in order to allow the layering of the various media. It also has collage and molding paste added for additional texture.

Monday, August 3, 2009

It's Getting Easier

I posted the mostly un-colored version of this piece on July 22nd. Now that I've messed around with it for a few it is again...the finished painting. I like the way it turned out. I'm learning so much in this on-line class that I'm taking...never knew that I could do what I'm now doing. On Saturday, another of the workshops for which I signed up got started. So I'd better hustle and work on the drawings for that class....already behind on my homework.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just Add Color

Remember a week ago (Friday, July 24th to be exact) I posted the beginnings of a portrait that I called The Girl With the Wild Hair? She's back. This time in color and with embellishments. In one week she went from a delicate little pretty to Princess? Maybe. Goddess?...probably. Colorful?...most certainly! During the process of her conversion I learned a lot about working in a journal and using acrylic paints over colored pencil and on an Italian paper with which I had no experiance. What a trip! Tomorrow I'm working on another 2-page spread. Same journal. We'll see what happens.