Friday, July 3, 2009

Just Sketching

Today I thought that I'd practice a little face drawing in my little sketch pad. I'm going to be taking an on-line class which, I think, begins on the 15th of July. The class is called: Godesses and Poets. It's all about drawing a more realistic, though stylized, female face....and adding some poetic language to the journal page. I'm excited about learning more about how to draw. Up to now, I've been working in my art journal but doing faces which are more in the catagory of 'cute doll'. I don't think that you can learn art without actually doing art....lots and lots of art. And now I know that I can't label my art as good or's mine, that's all. There's a lesson in every mark on every page. And I guess that's about all for now....except....that I became a Great Grandmother on the 1st of July!!!! And he is beautiful. His name is Armando Jay. Now that was a good day to write about, wasn't it?

1 comment:

Ruthykins said...

a great grandmother! wow! that's great! i also like the sketch. i like how the cheeks are just a little pink