Saturday, July 4, 2009

One a Day

My goal is to make a piece of art every day. Here I'm posting another sketch. It's of no one in particular...just an exercize in drawing faces. I love doing little pieces of work like this...I'm using a sketchpad that't only about 5 x 8 inches...a small, white sheet of sketchpad paper is not as intimidating as a large blank canvas. And it's only an exercize....a practice piece. I don't have to show it to the world, or put it on my blog...but I think it helps me with my confidance. Maybe it will encourage someone else to bring their work out of the closet. Being a secret artist is safe but unfulfilling. So I'm going to show you my art...good or bad. You can comment or not. That's all I wanted to blog about today. Maybe I'll go work in my art journal...paint a few backgrounds or draw a few borders. And have a little afternoon snack....there are some delicious grapes in the kitchen. Yoo-Hoo!...little I come!

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